Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment 1 Peer Critiques

Assignment 1 Peer Critiques

Q You will do the same instructions each week for the Peer Critiques of Assignments. At first it might be a bit strange to talk about the work of your classmates, but you should begin to get the hang of it and it should be fun to give and receive feedback! It is the only and best way to improve! 1. Once you have created your Flickr albums for Parts 1 -3 of Assignment 1, come here to this forum. 2. Start a new thread with your name and Assignment 1 in the title. (John Smith--Assignment 1) 3. Copy and past the link from the Flickr albums you created into the body. Create a link to the albums. 4. View the Flickr albums of at least 5 of your classmates. (You should want to see them all though to see what others are photographing!) 5. Respond to at least 3 of your classmates' posted Flickr albums by directly responding to the thread they created. 6. Give feedback on their work. Here are some suggestions on how to respond: -What did you like? -Why did you like it? -What could be improved? -Are the colors working? Why and how? -Is the subject matter interesting? Why? -Is the composition working? Why? How? -Do the photographs effectivly complete the assignment requirements? How? NOTE: Do not just leave a brief praise. Provide actual critical feedback that includes both positive comments as well as things the artists needs to work on to improve. Think about the golden rule here. Provide your peers with the same thoughtfulness you would like them to bestow upon you. 7. When inserting your flickr links in your discussion box, please manually go to the "insert URL" function at the top of the page. (The "paperclip" icon, the 3rd box on the top left. Then select "URL" at the bottom of the list in the pop-up box.) This will ensure that your links are not truncated or partial as copying and pasting links is resulting in the links being cut-off after the "@" symbol.

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Hi everyone. The following are links to my Flickr albums. Please feel free to critique my work :) Assignment 1 Part 1: